Amazon has hosted a nationwide jobseeker’s event to boost its employee numbers, including young people looking for good apprenticeship programmes.
BGC Operators Create 5,000 Apprenticeships
UK gambling companies under the standards body Betting and Gambling Council (BGC) have pledged to create 5,000 apprenticeships over the next five years.
Zurich To Double Its Apprenticeships This Year
Insurance firm Zurich UK has announced it will be doubling the number of apprenticeships available in 2021, taking on 30 new recruits.
Experts Welcome Government Flexible Apprenticeship Proposals
New government proposals for a flexible apprenticeship scheme that allows apprentices to be able to work across multiple projects with different employers has been welcomed by experts.
Apprenticeship Levy Has Failed, Say CIPD
England’s apprenticeship levy has failed on every measure, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) has said in a statement.
Apprenticeships Critical To Tackling Climate Change
Research by the National Grid has revealed that the UK needs to fill 400,000 jobs in order to achieve net-zero by 2050.
UK Apprenticeships Decline 50 Per Cent During Pandemic
Business products and services comparison website Small Business Prices has released data from a study that looked at the best industries for apprentices in 2020/21.
Why Apprenticeships Are Good Option Right Now
You may think now isn’t the time to be taking on apprentices, but as a recent article explained, now is actually the perfect time to invest in apprentices.
Why Do Employers Offer Apprenticeships?
Every year, the Department of Education carries out a survey of employers who provide apprenticeships to find out how their apprentices perform. Read more .