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Why Should A School Leaver Choose An Apprenticeship Instead?

August is the definitive end of the school year for young adults leaving school or leaving college, as it is when the results of their final examinations come in and their final grades are confirmed.

Alongside the jubilation, relief, mild disappointment and the annual social media posts about how grades do not really matter, this is usually when school leavers stand at a crossroads, with multiple incredibly bright paths ahead of them.

Many have either already arranged a university place or will go through the clearing process, which whilst the right move for some people, is not the best move for everyone.

For anyone uncertain about going to university, it is always worth looking towards apprenticeship providers, and career guides will suggest that as a particularly good option for people in a number of circumstances.

The first is for anyone who does not want to start their adulthood in debt. With University admissions fees costing as much as £9,250 per year, not even considering maintenance fees, rent, and the cost of food, books and other educational supplies, many graduates face being £50,000 in debt before they even start work.

By contrast, an apprenticeship will allow them to earn whilst they learn without paying any fees. Instead of finishing their course tens of thousands of pounds in the red, they will have the chance to build up savings early and get financially set up early.

As well as this, apprentices do not even need to choose between apprenticeships and degrees because many career pathways have various options that go up to degree level.

This means that an apprentice can get the same level of qualification as someone taking an academic route, but without having to pay the same fees and earn money whilst they do so.

If a school leaver has a clear idea of what career they want to take, an apprenticeship will give them not only qualifications but vital experience to help them stand out in the job market.