Recruitment & Selection

This programme aims to provide candidates with the skills and knowledge to enable them to identify poor recruitment practices and what can be done to prevent/mitigate impacts to the organisation.

This programme can be delivered over two days, and will aim to provide candidates with the skills and knowledge to enable them to identify potential repercussions of poor recruitment practices, and what can be done to prevent/mitigate impacts to the organisation. It will cover areas such as:
1 Financial, cultural and reputational risks
2 Unfair selection and discrimination
3 Role profiling and shortlisting
4 The interview and your behaviours

All content can be designed around your business needs, however as an example, the first day could aim to cover:
1 Financial and reputational risks such as tribunal costs, replacement costs, and reputational costs.
2 Unfair selection, direct and indirect discrimination, and stereotypical assumptions.
3 Investment in the future of your organisation such as person-to-organisation fit, attracting, developing and retaining the right people.
4 The cultural risk such as impacts of recruitment on the aim, vision, mission and values of your organisation, and cultural costs.

All content can be designed around your business needs, however as an example, the second day could aim to cover:
1 Role profiling i.e. evaluating the role and skills required for the organisation; ensuring the role matches the cultural language of the organisation; ensuring a balance of EQ and IQ; ensuring behaviours the organisation requires are woven through the profile.
2 Shortlisting i.e. what the process looks like; unconscious bias and learned stereotypes; direct and indirect discrimination.
3 The interview i.e. competency based questioning; the importance of consistency; being conscious of language; making the experience positive for the candidate. Your behaviours will be remembered; interviewers are ambassadors for your organisation.